Newmarket Mommies and York Region Baby have joined together along with area businesses for a Fall Food and Gear Drive for Babies of York Region. The York Region Food Network and The Rose of Sharon will benefit from this food and gear drive.*
The Wish List
* Jared Baby Food
* Baby Cereal
* Baby Crackers * Diapers (larger sizes)
* Wipes, Diaper Creams & Bath Wash
* Gently Used baby & kids clothing
* Infant and toddler toys, books & smaller baby gear items
Proud Sponsors & Drop Off Locations
York Wireless Solutions 220 Industrial Parkway South, Unit 39
(receive 15% off your accessories purchase when you donate!)
Herbal One Weight Management Centre 213 The Queensway South YMCA 183 Simcoe Street
Herbal One Weight Management Centre 17915 Leslie Street
Ontario Early Years Centre 17310 Yonge Street, Unit 6
SupperWorks 16600 Bayview Avenue
YMCA Employment and Community Services 16655 Yonge Street, Unit 3
For more information please visit www.yorkregionbaby.com or newmarketmommies.homestead.com or cal (905) 806-9675
*We support Health Canada and the WHO which both state that breastfeeding is the best method of feeding infants as it provides optimal nutritional, immunological and emotional benefits for the growth and development of infants. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of life for healthy term infants, as breast milk is the best food for optimal growth. Infants should be introduced to nutrient-rich, solid foods with particular attention to iron at six months with continued breastfeeding for up to two years and beyond. For more information please see your doctor or visit where you can find breastfeeding support in our area.
Furthermore, we agree with INFACT Canada and Health Canada’s recommendation that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life, with continued breastfeeding to two years of age and beyond. Breastmilk is always free, provides optimal nutrition and is especially important for low-income mothers and babies, who have the most to gain from breastfeeding.